Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 27 Sharing the Success!

Skipping over Friday and Saturday, I just needed a little break and focused on my students, kids and a little down time.  This Friday was SO much better than last.  I had no urge for the typical Friday night cheat night.  Remembering how bad I felt last weekend was enough for me to stick to good clean eating.  I wanted to enjoy my weekend and get in some strong workouts!  Saturday morning, I did just this.  Good ol leg day.  I'm at a new gym so maneuvering around probably slowed me down a bit, but if you've ever seen me workout...this is a good thing.   Today, is Sunday and I have every intention of getting in a great workout, it's nice out so I'm thinking...stadium stairs with a few sprints!  By the looks of my yard and house...I'll be burning a few calories around here too.

Friday and Saturday, I had some great conversations and/or text from my students.  WOW!  What successes!  Take a look!
  • Anita went from "I'm not cooking, so you have to help me find a way to eat healthy eating out.  I also love Braves games and this will be a problem."  to "I'm now cooking, making a mess in my kitchen but loving it!  Also, I'm taking my food to the Braves game because I no longer want to eat hot dogs and pretzels."   She's not sure of her weight loss but the jeans that she could barely get over her hips....she's now wearing them!
  • Rebecca - She is past her 30 days of no drinking and continues on with this challenge!  She's losing weight, eating right and it's now her chosen path!
  • Kelly - Going strong!  We didn't weigh him this week - I don't like to weigh every week.  But...he was looking much more defined.  I was seeing muscle!  The fat is definitely shredding.  We joked he's going to be spraying for mosquito's this summer with his shirt off, showing off those muscles!
  • Steven - Continues to improve and gaining weight every week!  This is his goal!  He's slowed down on his drinking and started to hit the weights again!  Steven and Kelly are brothers with 2 opposite goals.  One to lose, the other to gain, but they work off each others energy and they BOTH show me the can do attitude.  It's no wonder the Mosquito Squad is a successful business!  If you see 2 guys spraying for mosquito's with muscles pouring out this summer, those are the Sanders Brothers!
  • Chad!  He started his blog and texted me last night....20 pound loss!!!  WHOOHOOO!  
  • Sandi - Looking stunning and big smiles!  She too is strutting a pair of jeans she's brought back out of the closet that were no longer fitting!  
The list goes on!  I couldn't be more proud of these individuals.  Changing lifestyles is not an easy journey, but seeing how the confidence is just beaming out of these amazing people is ....well....there are no words.  It's a feeling you'll need to experience.  One that you can, it's all up to you!

Going Strong.....ALL DAY LONG!


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