Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 30 Time's what you make of it!

Today is day 30 of the Challenge.  Wow!  Time does fly by.  A lot has been learned in the 30 days of blogging this journey.  While, I was eating pretty clean anyway, my body hasn't changed significantly, but my mind has.  I feel more in control and more balanced with a better understanding of self, others and the relationship we all have with food. 

30 days, 1 day, 1 hour.  It's all important.  What we make of every minute in our life contributes to who we become, how we grow and the more significant life becomes.   It's our choice how we spend our lives.  We can sit around and feel sorry for ourselves and wonder why?  OR We can take each moment, go after what we want, make big goals, little goals, to do list, challenge ourselves and see how capable we really are.  It does take a plan, it does take a few challenges.  More importantly, it takes ACTION and BELIEF.  Without action our plan and goals are meaningless.  Without belief, we cannot implement the action with full force. 

You have to believe your goal is obtainable.  Forget what everyone else thinks.  Prove them wrong.  You may stumble, fall and the goal may not be reached in the time frame you expected, but it's keeping the goal alive, keeping it in the forefront of your mind at all times and finding the strength, motivation and willingness within you to keep you going day in and day out while you hurdle over every obstacle.  We all have them.  Think of someone who's already achieved the goal you are after.  They did it.  Maybe under different circumstances, they had different obstacles.  But they did it.  YOU can too!  Believe it!

Going Strong....ALL DAY LONG!


Blogger Unknown said...

Wonderful Job!

April 20, 2011 at 5:24 PM  
Blogger Caroline Brown X3 Sports Nutrition said...

Thank you!

April 20, 2011 at 5:35 PM  

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