Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 11 of 30

We've had a rainy week here in Atlanta and WOW!  What an impact weather has on moods and energy levels.  People skip their workout routines, cancel appointments, do whatever they can to "just get through the day".  My guess is that it's been a very unproductive week for many!
I am pointing this out to make you more aware of this trend.  When it's raining, day in and day out, we have to make a conscience effort to keep the energy up, moods up, hormones balanced! Here are some ideas:
  •  Ensure to get in some HIIT training - it may not be as strong but always makes me feel revived and .....well...young at heart! 
  • Wear business clothes.  It forces you to sit and stand tall with proper posture.  This sub-conscientiously provides you with a more attentive mind and spirit. 
  • Get OUT of the house or office!  Staying home, in comfy clothes?...Come on!  That's laziness waiting to happen! Have lunch with a potential prospect, co-worker or friend.  The conversation will keep your mind on your toes!
  • Complete your to-do list!  A feeling of accomplishment brings on a sense of energy!  
You say this has nothing to do with food....REALLY?  Oh, YES it does!  When energy is low, we are not working out, sitting in the home, wearing sweats all day....what tends to happen?  THE FEEL SORRY FOR ME MUNCHIES!    Ut-uh.  You are now triple slamming your week and going back in time with your health, fitness and profession.

Get up!  Get OUT!  and MOVE!

I'm still 100% compliant!

Going Strong....ALL DAY LONG!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 10 of 30

What amazes me is how easy this lifestyle actually is.  I was speaking to a student today and she said:  "Caroline, this is so easy!  I feel great!  I don't feel bloated and I'm not achy in the morning like I use to be!  This diet works!  I didn't even have a starch at all yesterday! (she's allowed 1 a day).  I think I have found I was allergic to wheat/gluten.  This is amazing!"   Music to a coach's ears!  I do hear statements like this over and over.

When people are given the proper plan, with a plan of attack and proper support, the word diet quickly changes to "my new lifestyle".  I hear the words...."I get it!"  My job now is to continue to support her, keep guiding her in the right direction.  She's finding she can create all kinds of fun and exciting foods in the kitchen and she's loving it!

I have students who tend to eat out a lot ...I problem.   Today, for example.  I ate out 2 times!  I did take some initiative on where to go out.  Hey...we have a voice...use it!  For lunch, I ate at a yummy Brazilian Steak house...just look at the yummyNESS!

For Dinner, I went out with my team and got so caught up in conversation, by the time I thought about taking a bowl was empty :).  We ate at Chow Baby.  For anyone who hasn't been there, go give it a try.  You pick your own veggies and meat and they have 2-3 sauces that are sugar free!!!  They saute your selection and bring it out to you.  This goes to show you, healthy choices are out there!  Just look for them!

Going Strong....ALL DAY LONG!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 9 I Just Want A Pancake!

I woke up this morning JUST WANTING A PANCAKE!  haha!  Cravings do enter the mind!  But we always have to keep our goal.....above the craving.  Cravings pass.  Here are a few techniques to surpass a craving:
  1. Eat something healthy instead
  2. Divert!  Put your mind on something else!  Go do a project, chore etc. 
  3. Give me 50!  I'm not sure what it is about moving the body...but it works!  In fact, I'm not hungry or want to go near food for at least an hour after a hard workout.  
When going through a lifestyle change, we REALLY have to make a conscience effort to retrain old habits.  It takes time, it takes MUCH EFFORT, but the reward pays off.  Because I didn't partake in that pancake, I don't have to feel guilty.  I'm staying on course.  If I did, I would have felt guilty, I would have eaten more than a fact, possibly would have over indulged.  Once you give in, the mind thinks:  "Well, shoot.  I messed up....mind as well just indulge and REALLY mess up.  I'll get back on track tomorrow!"....Come on!  I know you ALL can relate to this way of thinking.
You have to DIVERT!  Create better, healthier habits for yourself.  The craving will pass, you'll feel better about yourself, confidence will continue....the UPWARD spiral of goodness and health will continue.
Another thing I'll do, is look at body transformations and get inspired!  Whether it be my students or just random transformations on various websites.  After looking at these, any thought of putting something bad in my mouth turns to wanting to hit the gym!  Its so amazing.  Here are my 3 increadients to health:
  1. Controlling your thoughts, having your MIND in the right place
  2. Deciding (MIND) what it is you put in your mouth...taking responsibility
  3. How you move!   Push your body to limits, see how far you can go and let your MIND take you there!
Are you seeing the trend here?  Seems like the MIND is in all 3 incredients.  Take control, use techniques to master your thoughts...FEED it the right fuel.   You don't feed your car anything but the required fuel.  You don't feed your pet human food....if you do ....BIG mistake....human food, takes over that pets mind and it becomes a begging machine and an annoying little critter to be around come feeding time.  Do you SEE the effects on food and the brain?  Just take a look at the dog who gets table scraps....

I want to go back a moment, referring to my statement on sugar.  I said from the beginning of this blog it's about eliminating sugar in the forms of man made sugars, grains, table sugar and its substitutes.  A friend of mine stated to me today, "Doesn't the brain need sugar to function?"  The answer is yes!  It does, BUT the right kind.  The brain needs about 125-150g of sugar per day.  This can easily be attained from vegetables and small portions of fruit.  Lets not forget one important bit of science.  Our bodies are able to manufacture sugar for energy from fats and proteins So why the brain fog yesterday?...It comes down to simply my body adapting to lower sugar levels...detoxing per say.

From lunch on yesterday (because I really like to use my brain optimally everyday :)  ), I made it a point to eat nothing but veggies and added some fruit...wahlah!  Brain fog gone...with the RIGHT kind of food! It's the wrong kind of sugars that lead us to the obsession with food, addictions with food and eventually obesity and disease. 

Going Strong....ALL DAY LONG!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 8 Energy Where Art Thou?

Day 8 and I do think the official carb flu has hit!  I was very tired today.  While, I do eat veggies, my carb intake has decreased as sugar intake (and its substitutes) decreased. I noticed over the last few days, my vegetable intake has not been that high so I needed to alter this a bit.

With this being said, I ate nothing but vegetables and added some fruit  from lunch to the end of the day and the energy did pick up a little.  I'm not bouncing off the walls, but I can think again!  I do love brain function!  Living in brain fog is by no means fun but I DO think it's a necessary component for some people.  Those who are coming off high carbs and sugars in the forms of grains, table sugar and processed food.  They may have to make a little sacrifice to detox themselves of these toxins, but this detox will help them to reduce their sugar cravings and help to abandon emotional attachments with food. This all goes back to how sugar effects brain function.  Sugar is a foreign substance - a drug - that needs to be eliminated from ones system and withdrawals do occur.  Rest assure, this process does pass and boundless energy does return.

I have to say, I got a little excited today, exchanging paths with someone who use to have Raynauds disease.  I have this too and it really is a nuisance!  Basically, I'm allergic to cold weather.  When I get cold, my hands and feet become completely white, dead-like even.  They hurt.  Blood does not circulate to the tips of my joints. This fellow "Primal",  stated he no longer has Raynauds as an effect of his new lifestyle.

While health, previous intestinal issues, energy, brain function and sugar cravings are my main reasons for eating this clean, this is yet ANOTHER reason to keep moving forward.  Eating healthy really is a cure-all.  (ok...not all but a cure-to many many pains and illnesses)

Let me tell you how my passion with health really grew and took off to be where it is today.  I've always been into sports, athletic and interested in health to some degree, however, not until college did this become an obsession.  You see, I started to get extreme intestinal issues.  I had SEVERE episodes that you may not even be able to stomach the description if I gave you one.  But know this. The pain of the episodes were one of thinking I was dieing.  The timing, was always unknown and I became scared to leave my home.  I went from doctor to doctor, in which no one listened or even really seemed to care.  I was young, looked healthy.  There couldn't possibly be anything wrong with me.  They gave me pills to try.  They TOLD me what my symptoms were instead of LISTENING to what I had to say.  I got frustrated.  I began to do research of my own.  I found out that friends had similar issues.  I changed my diet based on my research and helped many friends with their issues.  I haven't had an episode in years and began a life of helping to heal others with diet change.
I continue to research and with each finding, I find more proof that backs up clean eating.  Getting rid of most grains (intestinal issues), I have healed myself of one illness.....NOW, eliminating sugar (cravings, mind control, obesity, many diseases) and processed food (poison, yet another contributor to illnesses, obesity and hormone imbalances).   ....CAN this heal my Raynauds?  Can I play in the cold once again?

I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Going Strong....ALL DAY LONG!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 7 of 30 Tap In!

There are so many topics floating around in my brain it's really hard to narrow down today.  I think I want to continue to TAP IN-to the brain.  So many people miss this very important step when it comes to the battle with food, changing a lifestyle, playing a sport, preparing for a speech, a project at work, the list goes on.  If you can TAP IN-to your own mind and understand your own thoughts, how YOUR particular mind works, you can discover a complete unknown world about YOURSELF.  Once you have a better understanding of yourself, you can apply the proper techniques necessary to help YOU in YOUR particular situation.  Yes, we can all learn from other people.  I've made it a lifetime of learning other peoples' mistakes and actions, by simply observing to avoid many pitfalls of my own.  But, it's not until we have a true understanding of SELF can we EXCEL beyond our expectations.

For example, this morning I went to workout, it wasn't as powerful as it usually is on leg day.  Typically, on leg day, I'm ALL-IN, focused, pumped, driven.  I LOVE my mind during the 2 grueling hours of heavy weights, driving myself to dizziness....I just get a kick out of it.  There were some driving forces that took me away from this thinking and I wasn't fully allowed to stay focused on the task at hand. 
  1. The weather - I have noticed an incredible impact the weather can play with my energy, drive and focus
  2. My own mind - maybe I'm thinking so hard about thinking - trying to capture so much for this experiment, it's taking its toll on my workout...
There is a reward from today's experience though and once I write this all down...I may just go back (clear headed) and give another go at those weights!   Here is what I was thinking while working out.  I was indeed thinking about the typical drive, focus and energy I have when doing leg workouts.  It's 2 hours long and I'm usually pumped a bit before and after, then as the day goes on, this way of thinking tends to fade.  I want to know what it is about doing leg weights that gets me in that frame of mind and how I can KEEP that thought process to be sustained longer.  Not only longer but also on days I don't do leg weights. 

My thoughts are that it comes down to not only a passion, but ACT of passion.  I think about the fighters at the gym.  When you talk to these guys, they are the sweetest, biggest teddy bears you'll meet.  It's hard to imagine they can get in a ring and fight with such passion, aggression and fierceness. But they do...over and over again.  The mind changes, something "ticks" inside them.  They TAP IN......until their opponent TAPS OUT! 

The mind is so powerful and if we can really TAP IN-to our own thoughts, learn how WE operate, we can use our KNOWLEDGE to continue to grow.  

I hear so many people say "I don't know why".  Take the time to stop, listen, follow patterns and you'll find that answer.  It's there.  Once you find it, use it!  Use the answer to build upon your weakness, demolish it and make it TAP OUT!

As for me, I will use my knowledge to expand the ACT of my passion into my day, day in and day out.  I can't do leg weights all day long and everyday, but I can TAP IN-to the mindset in which I have while under that environment or time.  It will take FOCUS.  Focus is a very difficult thing, especially in today's modern world of phone and sound interruptions.  But, I will continue to study the act of focus to learn how to TAP IN-to the passion that drives me enough to sustain a long productive, driven, passionate day...all day...everyday.  (Then, I'll need to learn how to turn it off, so I can sleep...)  In a sense, all this blogging is a driving force, a constant passion.  Just one different from my leg workout.  It's one of passion to tell my story, to help others.  (One that took over my leg workout....another lesson of separating passions...and focusing on task at hand) I only hope I'm reaching out to the right people.  Ones who want and need the help and are ready for change.  

One does have to be ready and timing does play a big part in ones success.  Your MIND has to be in the right place.  We hear how people stop smoking cold turkey or how people make drastic lifestyle changes very quickly.  There is something that they TAPPED IN-to that made them do this.  It all starts with the MIND. YOU have to make the decision to TAP IN.  You may have to make some friends and family members TAP OUT.  Keep fighting them to understand that health and fitness is a way of life, some will tap out. Others...well, maybe you just have to remove yourself from frequent interactions until you've won YOUR battle.  Then, you can come back, show them how you've changed, how great you are and it just may be what they needed to TAP them IN. 

Day 7 of 30- meat, eggs and veggies!  It's actually getting easier.  I thought the removal of my low sugar ketchup and sugar free syrup would be an issue.  It's starting to be a distant memory...a habit broken.  I think it actually proves it was a driving force in my Friday cravings, due to the sugar alcohols they contained.  While, for some of my students, I think sugar alcohols can play a role in lifestyle transformation.  However, it can also play a role in cravings and binges.  I've done a good bit of reading on the subject, but now I'm a true believer that they need to have there exit strategy in ones diet....when the time calls for it. 

Do I believe what we eat influences brain function?  ABSOLUTELY!  Sugar and its foreign substitutes such as certain artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols all influence cravings that lead to binges and uncontrollable urges that result in not only obesity but the core cause of eating disorders today.  If we ate what nature intended for us to eat, exercised the way our bodies were meant to move, we'd be naturally lean as our bodies were intended, our minds would be sharp and our energy boundless.   Disease would be less and we would age with grace and beauty.  I don't think we should put all the focus on outer appearance, but the result of eating properly lets us enjoy our individualized beauty the way it was intended.  Going back to my previous blog, you are what you eat.  What you eat and how you move should be a lifestyle, not a trendy diet.  X the sugar, the man made product/chemicals, the processed foods that flood our pantries.  Clean them out!  You'll easily reap the rewards and function better than you have ever functioned before.

Going strong - ALL DAY LONG!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 6 of 30 Come Into Your Own Uniqueness

Wow.  Today was powerful.  I love my job, I'm incredibly grateful for it.  (Thanks X3 Sports!)  In fact, it just doesn't seem like a job.  I get to help people...all day, everyday.  How is that work?  There is research involved, but...I love that too!  Learning, growing, giving.  This is what life is all about.

My team was suppose to go hiking this am, but it rained so we decided to meet at a local book store and have a chat.  We sat there and before we knew it, hours had passed.  We had great conversations about food, behaviors and lifestyle change.  One member had lost a significant amount of weight.  He told me he once smoked 3.5 packs of cigarettes a day.  Had a daily routine of coming home and having a bourbon, went out to eat all the time and mindlessly ordered off the menu.  Now, his life is completely different.  He may still have an occasional drink but it becomes less and less. He feels as though he is now the odd one out.  How sad is this?  The odd one out for being healthy, working out and living a lifestyle that has now become...rare. He's made a choice to be different, to be healthy.  He has a new obsession and loves his new found life.  He told me a story today, that struck hard.  He was in a grocery store at the checkout counter, cart filled with fresh veggies, fruit, fish, meat, all the right ingredients for healthy living.  The ladies were whispering, "He must be single to eat like that" , another one whispered, "Do you think he's gay?" (stereotyping...are all gay people healthy??) People really amaze me about their thinking....or lack of. Has it come to this, to be looked at as the odd one out for being....healthy? 

Another team member, you all know him, Kelly Sanders.  He said to me today:  "Caroline, I'm smiling.  I'm smiling all day long."  Kelly has made a remarkable change in the last 3 months.  He keeps surprising me with amazing progress and I couldn't be more proud.  He's a quick learner, plays by the rules and understands the consequences.  He gets it and likes where he is in his journey.  He too had bad habits to break.  Along his journey, he has had situations where people in his life just didn't understand his new lifestyle.  He too deals with this challenge.  However, he knows his decision to be healthy is the one for him.  He's taking charge and I don't see any signs of going back!

These 2 men prove, life can change.  You can be different.  It's a choice.  We need to stop caring about what everyone else thinks.  Do what's best for you.  Another member stated to me today: "I'm having a tough time this weekend, because I'm at my parents' house.  They made me my favorite food and I feel obligated."  This is what I call, parental acceptance syndrome.  Parents raise their children the best they know how.  We are brought up to respect our parents and think they are always right.  As adults, it's hard to separate these beliefs.  We always feel a need to be accepted by our parents and don't want to disappoint them.   This girl is so very sweet, I can't picture a slight argument with her parents.  I'm not saying she should throw up her hands and say..."NO, I don't eat this way and I won't eat that."  But rather, maybe have a discussion with them about her beliefs in better health, how she wants to live her life.  I mean, we are talking about food choices....not any drastic measures of craziness.   This is something that is good for her.  Parents tend to have a hard time understanding when a child grows up and doesn't follow traditional standards of how they were raised.  But this, my friend, is evolution.  We each get smarter and smarter with every generation.  I sure hope my kids out smart me!  Heck, I think they already do!

Sometimes, it takes time, to come into our own and bloom.  We are raised to care about what everyone else thinks.  We are taught to be on guard.  There are some good reasons for some of this training.  But, there comes a time, we have to sit back, take a look at our lives and decide where we want it to go.  As an adult, it is only us that holds us back.  Take charge of your life.  Once you figure this out, you will have found one of the golden treasures of life.

People will come and go from your life, but you will always have to live with yourself.  Become who you want to become, like yourself and love life!

I am still going strong!  Meat, eggs, fish and veggies!  Today, since a member stated he couldn't have sushi.....I made sushi, rice free!  Take a look below!  Eating clean and healthy doesn't have to mean boring.  I do tell my students:  "Think about it.  you don't want to eat something too yummy, if you do, what happens?  You take a bite and say...ummmmm that's good!  Then you proceed to take another bite and before you know it, your stomach is hurting because you had too much."   Food is fuel, yes, but it can be tasty and fun too! (however, to prove my point....I couldn't put that riceless sushi down...YUM!)

I had another amazing day!  I have a feeling another blogger is coming real soon.  In the meantime, take a look at the two blogs below.  I'm very proud of these guys.  It takes a lot of guts to commit to something, but to share their story and put it all out on the line, is very brave!  They too, share some very valid points, from a different view.  Let's all grow and learn together.  We are all different.  Embrace the difference!

Going strong.....ALL DAY LONG!  

Kelly's Blog:

Jarrod's Blog:

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 5 of 30 What You Eat Matters, Fasting and Free Meals!

We all know the phrase, "You are what you eat".  But do you really know the meaning of this phrase?  I tell many people when I first meet them, "One day, you'll find yourself driving down the road, smiling.  Not because of some great incident that happened, but just because you're happy."   If you haven't had this happen to you, you're missing out!  Today, I found myself smiling all the way my car.  Obviously this has happened to me time and time again since I share this experience with my students.  It holds true.  We are what we eat and its SO much more than the initial thought of appearance.  You see, when you eat right, here is what happens:
  • You do indeed start to look better
  • You feel better
  • You have a sharper mind
  • You gain confidence
  • That confidence leads to:
    • Better job performance
    • Better relationships
    • Better parenting
Overall, it brings on a happiness that EXCEEDS the initial self image reason you started on your mission to change what you eat.  I met with a new member today.  He hit me smack dab hard in the middle of my heart.  It was the first time we met, he opened up to me, obviously knowing he needed help.  He knew he had an unhealthy addiction to food and bad behaviors. It was out of control.  He was very emotional.  His father had died of diabetes, he knew what he was doing was wrong and this would lead him to the same path if he didn't change.  He hates the way he looks in the mirror and has been on 1 date in almost 10years.  His addiction to food is influencing or even taking over his entire life.  For this young man, when he beats his addiction, he will have a whole new outlook on life.  He will be healthier, have the gained confidence and may just find the love of his life.  I can't WAIT to see him at the finish line.

As for me, I'm still going strong on meat/eggs/fish and veggies.  I am continuing to learn a lot about myself.  I use to be so tied up in counting and timing everything, I lost site of what my body was telling me.  Removing the stress has been invaluable.  I feel amazing and I can't tell you the last time I went without food for 15 hours, but I did do this yesterday, including sleep time.  I do believe Mark Sisson of the Primal Blueprint has a point when he says it doesn't interfere with metabolism.  He discusses how our ancestors were many times feast or famine and they were well....a heck of a lot leaner than we are today.  It gets me thinking.  I'm around MMA fighters quite a bit while working at X3 Sports.  They go through fasting periodically to cut weight and their metabolisms are fine and healthy, even the older ones, where the process has been repeated for many years.  I do think there is a point of long term fasting that can have an effect on metabolism but short burst...I see no issue.  In fact, I can actually see some benefits.

What we have to remember when we go without food for long periods of time, is to eat the proper foods when we do eat.  I think conventional teachings about timed eating every 3-4 hours is based on this.  To prevent people from gorging on all the wrong food when they are hungry because they didn't eat all day.  I do think there is a place for this and teach many of my students this method.  It's a learning process and a step to make before moving on to the next.  All a part of the journey.  I had a discussion with yet another CEO of X3 Sports about this, this week.  He doesn't like to stop during the day to eat, so when he gets home in the late evening, he has an issue of overeating.  If he were to come off sugar and program himself to eat the proper foods when hungry, this would not be an issue.  He can keep his eating time-line if he would have at least a moderate breakfast before his day starts (as I said earlier, in my opinion, short burst fasting can be ok...repeated long fasting can hurt metabolism).  He just needs to alter what he eats....meat, fish, eggs and veggies followed by moderate nuts and fruit.  It's really hard to overeat meat and veggies.  If you don't believe me, then I challenge you to 30 days of only meat and veggies, no limits - see if you gain weight!  :).  Most likely, you will lose body fat, while possibly gaining muscle.

Typically, on Friday evening, I have a "Free Meal"  whatever it is I want.  Today, I'm breaking that habit.  I thought it may be an issue, as I've always looked forward to this time.  I do think there is a place for free meals and I allow these to my students.  It is another step in the learning curve, adaptation to change.  BUT, I think I will be removing these so called planned free meals for myself.  I'm ready for advancement!  In fact, I think the free meals hurt me more than they have helped in my most recent times.  I think they increased my urges, made me eager.  I found myself so obsessed with the Friday night "treat" (remember yesterday's discussion on treats?) that it took over my thought process by midday on Friday until I was able to indulge...then, without fail, would have more than I should.  Many nutritionist, especially those in the body building arena will tell you to have "free meals".  They say it helps mentally and it increases leptin and there is some truth in this.  However, I think it can be done in a safer, mindful way. One that doesn't reverse advancement and increase cravings but one that works in favor of increased metabolism and decreased cravings.

I tell my clients who start out with me.  "You are going to cheat.  Plan it!"  As with any change, it has to be gradual for most people.  Planned cheat meals play a role in the process of changing ones lifestyle.  Depending on where my clients are when we meet, both in diet and mind, will depend on how frequent they are allowed to cheat or partake in a "Free Meal".  My thought process behind this is to teach them to be on plan for one day, two, three or a week...when they feel the urge or craving for a food coming on, they are to tell themselves, they can have it.  They just have to wait a few days.  This is all a technique to retrain the sub-conscience mind.  Our sub-conscience mind is like a computer, it's programmed to like certain patterns.  If you throw complete change at it, it will fight you every step of the way.  If you tell it no, or it can't, it will fight you even harder.  So saying: "Yes, you can have it."  and putting it off to a planned time to have it, this increases your success rate while going through a lifestyle change. 

For me, I am finding, I need to let go of the obsession of that next free meal.  I personally, don't like the way it took over my mind, nor did it make me progress metabolically in any way.  I'm not saying I will never have another pizza or slice of cake ever again.  I'm just not going to have a planned or set time to where I'm so fixated on cheating and then over indulging.  It worked for a while, it served its purpose, but I no longer see its need.'s all about a process, learning, growing, listening and understanding ones self and what works best.

We are all different.  We all have different needs, thoughts, body types.  I don't believe in any one size fits all program.  Timing for each individual's process is different as well.  We just have to take the time and most importantly pay attention.  Learn about yourself!  If you have a hard time doing this, find someone who can help guide you. 

Until tomorrow!

Going Strong....ALL DAY LONG!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 4 For All The Right Reasons

I'll start with a quote today: "The greatest battles are not physical, but psychological. The demons telling us to give up when we push ourselves to the limit can never be silenced for good. They must always be answered by the quiet, steady dignity that refuses to give in." ~Unknown

I heard a story today from one of our trainers (one who really cares about his client) about a girl who lost weight and fat percentage and was upset about it because it wasn't enough.  She's a beautiful woman, had noticeable change, she thought so herself until she stepped on the scale.  She let that single instrument measure her success.  I'm very saddened by this.  She should be rejoicing!  She made tremendous progress!  Sometimes, we get so bogged down in numbers, we lose focus of the whole picture.  Instead of focusing on numbers, focus on progress, success, achievement - these are your driving forces!  When you get too bogged down in the numbers, you will sabotage your efforts every time.  You will raise your cortisol levels and prevent further advancement. I know this for a fact as its happened to clients and myself over and over again.  I can eat almost perfectly, exercise like crazy but if stress is involved, cortisol is raised and IF I am looking for a number to justify my success, the numbers will fail me.  Its hard to get past this cycle.  You have to make a conscience effort to change the way you THINK.

To prove my point, I have 2 team members right now.  Both have been doing an excellent job.  They took praise and success as ammunition.  (I give little "shout outs" and recognition when its deserved) They FEEL better and KNOW the changes they are making in their life through diet and exercise is improving their life bit by bit.  They don't expect instant results and understand this is a journey.  I'm am very confident these two people will exceed their expectations and find that its about being healthy, enjoying the journey and making this a lifestyle.  Their end result will be sustainable weight loss, forever energy and a fulfilled life.

I was listening to a radio show (The Bert Show Atlanta) this morning on the way to a meeting.  They were discussing how women tend to be more body image conscience over men.  The men chimed in and admitted, this was not so and they were very image conscience.  They constantly worried about the extra bulge they carried.  I so wish I could have chimed into this conversation.  If everyone stopped looking in the mirror, ate and were physically active because it made them FEEL good, the perk or side effect would be a healthy lean body.  Thinking too hard about the image will backfire every single time.  You may lose a few pounds, but time and time again...once you've reached your goal and start to feel confident, you'll revert back to your old ways and regain the weight lost.

This has to be a lifestyle for health benefits, to FEEL ALIVE!  The result will be a long happier, more energetic, healthier you. Your skin, hair and body will automatically look phenomenal. You've got to take the STRESS out of it.  All of our bodies react differently, some lose quickly, some slowly.  Embrace who you are, treat yourself the best you can because THIS is what you deserve.  What good is looking like a supermodel (in which, many of us do not have the body types for no matter how hard we tried) if we feel tired, depressed and obsessed about everything we ate or if we didn't workout that day.

So far, in my journey this is EXACTLY what I am doing.  I've stopped measuring, counting, weighing myself.  I'm eating what is right for my body, when my body tells me it wants it.  Period.  I workout because it feels great, to release all the new-found energy I've created, because I ENJOY it. 

Stop with the instant gratification.  One of the CEO'S at X3 Sports said a statement that stuck in my head this week.  "Just because you don't SEE yourself gain weight right after eating a donut, doesn't mean its not effecting your body."   It's a very good point.  Too bad there is not instant visual of this...donuts would be history as it should!  My point is, just because you don't SEE the results you want, it doesn't mean your body isn't changing.  Sometimes, it just takes time, persistence, a long term commitment.  It takes tuning into your body, enjoying the journey and FEELING the benefits along the way.  Just because you don't SEE the donut hit your hips right away....go ahead ...keep eating it day in and day out...see what happens!

Back to my experience...I can really preach sometimes. I woke up this morning HEADACHE FREE!!!! YAY!!!  I usually always wake up hungry, this morning...not so much.  I had some spaghetti squash and later when I finally did start to feel the hunger pang, ate a few eggs. For my next meal (not sure of time...not timing it...not eating on normal times whatsoever) was some beef, bacon, chicken sausage - all organic.  Later I baked a chicken and DEVOURED it.  It was so juicy and yummy!  No, I didn't eat the whole thing, but more than I would if I was measuring.  (may have hurt the tummy...just a tad :)  ) I ate a little broccoli, not much veggies today.  My last meal...the chicken was at 3:30, left me plenty sustained for the rest of the day.

The energy wasn't bursting out of me like yesterday in the am, but I felt great all day!  The "burst" did come, however, this time about 4pm and I just HAD to get up and move.  So I did just that, turned up the music and did some Russian kettle-bell swings, pull ups, push ups, ab work.

My mind is sharp. In fact, my mind has been non-stop in the whole process.  There is so much I want to share with you, I wish I could just record my thoughts and hand you over the tape.  I do believe this process is what will make me successful.  I have a story to tell. Something to prove.  At the same time, I'm helping people.  Being able to put this all in writing is inspiring, accountability, allows me to use my brain and be creative.  It drives me in a sense. It gives me something to aim for, to look forward too; a story to tell...a small reach the larger goal.  Yet another technique I teach my students from the beginning and going back to previous post...goal setting...its HUGE!

Another great day in the making!  100% compliant!

Going strong....all day long! 

oh...and a picture of my bird! :)   

I'm KIDDING!!  Here is my bird!  :)

Hungry??  The pleasures of being on top of the food chain! :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 3 of 30!

Do you know what's amazing about all this?  How powerful the mind and accountability is.  When people go on diets or are on a new adventure to start something new, the initial start is either:
  • very easy - new start, pumped, motivated
  • very hard - adapting to changes, have a hard time getting in the right mindset.
For me, this one so far is very easy.  I have in my mind:
  • how so many people are following
  • I'm a nutrition coach and I'm out to set an example
  • I have 30 days of this, this is just the beginning and there is NO WAY I'm not going to be 100%.  
  • I am looking at this as improving my lifestyle, getting better and better and going way beyond 30 days. 
This morning when I made my favorite breakfast...french toast, it didn't bother me.  Sure, it looked DAMN GOOD.  But, I knew where my boundaries were. I am ONLY on day 3 and that was that...the few scraps that were left, went directly to the trash.  (I tell my nutrition team members this all the time.  If there is a food around that tempts you, throw it in the trash immediately.  Surely, you won't go digging in the trash for food...if you do, see me ASAP.  We've got some serious counseling to do! )  But do you see how my mind is working?  When you set a goal with a time frame, you are more likely to stick with it longer.  Temptation is in front of me....In my mind I'm THINKING..."I'm only on day 3 of 30"....temptation is not an issue.  We are natural born goal seekers.  We NEED goals to succeed.  THIS is how our brain works!  We need challenges!  Commit to one of your own and see how it works!

This morning - I had that initial head ache again - but as soon as I had breakfast and my cup of coffee, it was gone.  This makes me think its not a withdrawal from sugar because I didn't eat any sugar for breakfast. Simple eggs and bacon.   Maybe due to overnight fasting?  Maybe a reduction in calories?  Although, I'm not counting, it could be.  With this type of diet, I'm not hungry, there are no extra calories with condiments, I stop when I'm satisfied, only eat when I am hungry. So, this morning's head ache could very well be reduction in calories and my body is adapting.

Now let's talk energy.  I had so much this am, it was like I was injected by the happy hormone in mass doses.  I HAD to workout and workout HIIT style or I'd go nuts.  I worked out so hard with jumps and sprints (x3 Sports Fast Trak style) threw in some kicks (x3 Sports kickboxing style), sweated until I was drenched, fell on the floor a few times in exhaustion but WANTED to get up and KEEP moving!  WOW!  I FEEL amazing! say starchy carbs aka/and sugar give you energy.....really?  Because this is NOT what I am experiencing.  I'm wired! whoooo! haha!

Do keep in mind, I'm not suggesting this kind of diet to anyone, blankly.  Everyone has different needs and a diet should be customized that way.  Nor did I take a giant leap of change.  I've been eating pretty healthy and have been making the transition to be able to do this challenge.  My journey is more about self control, commitment, accountability, how sugar and starches effect the body and mind and how the MIND plays a huge part in ANY diet or CHANGE in ones life.  The missing link. This is my personal choice, my personal plan and my personal journey with EVERYONE'S help!

For lunch, I met with my team members.  We had a very healthy meal together and GREAT conversation discussing food, lifestyle and challenges.  It's amazing how helpful it is to be around other like-minded people.  We did have one topic I'd like to discuss with you.  It was about  how we tend to "reward" ourselves.  Many times we endulge in bad foods as a reward....but think about this for a are "rewarding" yourself with bad food??  This doesn't seem right does it?  Why would it be a reward to eat something that will turn all your efforts back in time, make you feel bad and cause harm to your body?  Instead, as we discussed, we felt like we were rewarding ourselves by going out to a restaurant and not having to do the dishes!  Now for any of my team members out there, THIS is a reward!  I have them all cooking and making messes in the kitchen they didn't know they could make!  If we actually take the time to "THINK" things through and use our "MIND", you'll get much further, things will be easier, less stress will be involved.  Think smart!

Take a look at my tasty lunch!  I had  the paleo burger (removed the raisins, had just a few of the tomato). 

For dinner I had fish and zucchini.  Overall, a fantastic day! 

Before I leave I wanted to share a quick article on sugar, take a look!

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 2 of 30

Today is day 2 of 30.  Everything is going very well.  I feel great with the exception of a morning headache.  I'm not sure if that was a sugar withdrawal symptom or pollen in the air - but it did leave by late morning.  I am still having great workouts.  Today, I did some leg work...not my typical 2hr craziness.  I am switching up my normal exercise routine as well.  Over the winter months, I put on a good bit of muscle, now with warmer weather and summertime coming around the corner, I'm wanting to lean back out.  So while, I still LOVE to lift - I'm making it more on the cardio side, keeping things moving.  I'm not really planning my workouts out either.  I want to enjoy them - freely - just as my food intake.  So, today I went from one machine to the next - whatever was calling my name with sprints in between.  I even shot a few hoops - I love basketball so when a bball is just sitting there with a hoop staring at me...I have to take a few shots :). 
Food intake was egg, bacon, buffalo burgers,  spaghetti squash, zucchini, broccoli.  Good ol water and my am coffee with coconut milk.  Very simple, no urges or cravings. My mind seems to be in a good place.  My students really help.  One is now doing a blog himself and its gotten me really stoked!  What greater accountability...putting it all out on the line!   LOVE it!   Hearing all kinds of great stories (weight loss, overcoming challenges) from my students today - they are more of an inspiration to me than they know.

To day three and looking forward to it!

The True Day 1!

Guess I got ahead of myself in yesterdays title.  It should have be - PreGame! 
As you can imagine, no real miracles have been accomplished in a day, however when you really pay attention, changes indeed do happen.  You see, I've been very conventional with my diet approach.  Eating 5-6 sometimes 7 times a day, measuring EVERYTHING.  While I did find myself, out of habit transferring my food to the scale or "thinking" about eating my next meal, I surprisingly felt a since of relief.  I stopped myself from weighing my food and logging my food too ensure my pro rations were in order and my calorie intake was not too high.  Instead, I just ate.  Freely.  When I was hungry, I ate.  I ate what I wanted, in the amount I wanted, when I wanted.  I have no idea how many calories I took in (I could figure it out...but DON'T ask ...I'm not going too!).  In fact, I did something yesterday I haven't done in a long time.  By purely listening to my body, my last meal was at 2:30pm.  I didn't eat for the rest of the day and I felt GREAT!

I was 100% in compliance with the foods I ate.  Eggs, bacon, chicken, broccoli, zucchini, spaghetti squash, drank only pure water and some coffee with coconut milk and a splash of unsweetened coconut shavings on top. 

I did talk to myself a good bit today, I think it will take a while before the whole "thinking about food" all day thing slows down a bit, but with this of today...I see where this can help.   I keep my goals in the forefront of my mind, I think about my students and all the people who are following me.  It's a great support group and proves how much those around you and accountability is a HUGE part of success.

Thanks to those who are following and thank you to all my students who are also doing a challenge this month.  They are not doing the same one as me, I've made a separate plan for them.  HOWEVER, I have a few who say they want to join me on my plan and I am SO excited!!!  More ammunition to fuel the fire and keep this journey burning!

I'm looking forward to another day!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 1 of 30 The Rules

Tomorrow I will embark a new challenge.  The rules are simple, the reason is more personal.  As a Nutrition Coach I talk about food all day long.  I'm constantly reminded of do's, dont's, sweets, breads, pastas.  I hear the words I can't, I won't, I'll do this, but not that.  I want to prove a point.  Not only with nutrition, but with the mind.  We all have challenges.  Me included.  We are all human.  We also all have the ability to change and it starts 1st with the mind.  Its more than will power, there are techniques to practice along the way.  Much to do with cognitive behavioral changes.  In my 30 Day Challenge, I'll be embarking on a very "non-traditional" diet while:
  • Discussing food all day with clients, researching diets ---always having FOOD on the brain.
  • Being around 2 kids (my own) whom are boys and want food constantly
  • Attending regular events and being social (mind you I just had my son's 7th birthday that one out of the way! )
All the normal stuff in everyday life we ALL face.   During my journey, I'll be sharing with you my challenges, how I overcome them and strategies I will use - with the ALMIGHTY MIND!

YES!  I'm scared.  I could completely fail.  But....isn't everything worth trying?  It's believing from the beginning its possible.  I've always said:  "Try something hard and find out how capable you really are".  Well, this is me...trying something really hard.  I've never done a diet quite this way and this one will go for an entire 30 days.  Personally, I think it will be VERY hard.  But, I do know I CAN DO IT!  You see, I'm like everyone else.  When focused too hard on a diet...we tend to binge.  This is why I'm taking on a whole new strategy.  I want to prove a point...:
  • That trying to change our eating patterns does not have to end in binges.  We can end the obsession with food.
  • We can reprogram our behaviors
  • We can beat the obesity rate by simply changing our lifestyle - reducing the want for certain foods and enjoying the right foods without guilt and simply be satisfied, content and feel ALIVE, focused and energized just as nature intended.  
Do you remember being a kid?  Or, simply watch young ones today.  Watch their eating patterns.  It's totally instinctive, there is no emotional attachment to it at all.  If they are hungry, they eat.  When they've had enough, they stop.  Then they go run around until the cycle starts again.  They don't even think about food aside from those immediate needs.  As they grow older and become more aware of their bodies, they begin to take notice of fat, how it looks...the obsession begins.  Fad diets emerge, the yo-yo cycle begins = metabolism gets slowly destroyed...over and over until hormones are completely out of whack, urges for food gets stronger (we do want what we can't have)...the cycle continues. We destroy our bodies.

For the next 30 Days I will be avoiding all forms of man-made SUGAR.  Sugar is our biggest enemy.  Its where the addiction begins, obesity rises, diseases build.  I'm not talking about sugar naturally derived from plants (some).  I'm talking mostly about the ones in breads, pasta, grains, table sugar even artificial sugars.  I'm talking anything processed. I'm even letting go of my favorite low sugar ketchup and sugar free syrup. I'll be eating very clean.  My diet will consist of:
  • Meat, eggs, fish, foul 
  • Fibrous veggies
  • certain fruits in small quantities (sanity)
  • small portion of nuts/seeds/oils and nut butters 
  • *trying organic, grass fed most of the time.
  • 80-90% dark chocolate - natural cocoa bean, very low sugar in small portion (sanity)
  • Coffee/tea/water. 
  • No limits on meat and veggies - eat when hungry - stop when satisfied- no schedule - no calorie counting - no macro-nutrient counting. Most of my energy source will be derived from fat. Mostly animal fat. Be advised, however I am eating carbs - just ones that are natural and nutritious.   I will be eating as nature intended. Let's see what happens!
Scared, yet excited...Let the journey begin!